• Ornamental Fish

    Corals, Marine Fishes, Anemone, Sea Urchins,
    Freshwater Fishes, and more

  • Trustworthy Exporter.

    Established since 2007 with a wide range of species.

Welcome to Ornamental Fish Export.

We send our products to customers in Germany, Romania, Italy, France. UK, UAE, Qatar, Lebanon, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, Syria, USA, Singapore. Hongkong, Thailand, Malaysia, Chinese Taipei, China, Australia, South Africa, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Sweeden, Norway, Denmark, and more.

Our facilities are equipped with the most advance equiptment and run by experience marine specialist who has been in marine business for years, and all our fishes, inverts, and corals are collected, handled and packet accordingly to MAC Standards

We utilize our experience to provide the best service and products to our customers. Our focus is to provide customers delight with superior offering of corals and services. We believe building relationship with our customers is fundamental part in our operation.